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[02] Inaugural Ceremony of KGCAUS [Korea Green Campus Association for University Students] Reple 1

  • Location | Iwha Womens’ University
  • Date | 2012.06.27
  • View | 6838

This time is the highlight of the Inaugural Ceremony of KGCAUS.
The presentations of environmental clubs.



First, this is ‘KUSEP’ the environmental Protection Planners from Korea University.
KUSEP is composed of 9 teams including volunteering team, exploring demilitarized zone (DMZ) team, campaign team, entrepreneurship team, competition team, playing acoustic guitar team, hiking (investigating vegetation) team, training team, study team.
KUSEP is carrying out various activities for our environment in each field
They have been actively working such as reducing waste campaign, reducing disposables campaign, environmental protection, giving environmental education in Imun Elementary School students and so on.



And next is ‘Green-I’ from Kunsan University. Presenter is Jeong Jong-sin the president of Green-I.



Green-I is helping the community such as opening the Green Market, separate collection campaign, etc.



This is Nature Environment Research Society, the environmental club of Dongnam Health College.



Especially, they are wearing T-shirts written their club name, we could easily notice them.



Now, Green-Action from Suwon University.
Sim Gyeong-a, the president of Green-Action presents herself.
As we can notice through their club name, they have done environmental movement actively on campus.



Next is Green snow, the environmental volunteers from Sookmyung Womens’ University.
The presenter is Yoon Hye-sun, student from Green snow.



Green snow is already famous for various activities such as environmental campaign and programs with many environmental organizations.



She is Eun Su-hwa from Shingu University environmental club "Nature+"



Nature+ is running Green Shop in their club room. Their story was on the TV ABN Areum broadcasting.



Next, this is G.A.Green, the environmental club of Yonsei University.
Presentation is led by Kim Sang-won, a student from Yonsei University.
G.A.Green sounds like ‘gargle’ so G.A.Green means that they will clean up the campus like a gargle does.
Also it sounds like GAG and it means they will solve environmental problem entertainingly.



Next is Root and Bud, environmental club of Ewha University.
Root and Bud has been actively carrying out lots of activities such as cultivating garden on campus, making notes with used papers, promoting to become vegetarian and using puffed rice plates campaign.
Sometimes, they offer delicious foods like sandwiches made of the vegetables from their vegetable garden.



This time is Green-I, the environmental club of Incheon University.
Presentation is led by student Lee Gyeong-ju.

She presents her hope and plans on upcoming activities.



This is ‘Ecomalion’ the environmental club of Hanshin University.
The name of club is the compound made of Eco and Pygmalion.
Ecomalion has carried out ‘Beauti-road’ movement by cleaning up around the Hanshin University every first Saturday.
They also have done various activities such as promoting and selling ‘eco-cup’, making wastebasket, making vegetable garden and so on.



This is ‘Greenday’ the environmental club of Hanyang University.
A presenter is student Yang Ki-seung. Greenday is carrying out a campaign for using used papers.
They are making notes from used papers donated from other organization and offering to students free of charge.



It is Green Promise, the environmental club of Inha University.
Presentation is led by student Shin Seung-ho. He presents upcoming Dormitory Campaign.



This is ‘Green Square’ the environmental club of Chung-ang University.

Presentation was led by Kim Yu-sun the president of Green Square.
Taking this opportunity, she presents her hope and plans for upcoming activities.



Finally, the last turn is Hannuri, the academic environmental club of Kyunghee University.
Members of Hannuri mostly composed of students from dept. of advanced materials engineering for information & electronics, so they are progressing academic activities on environment.

We give thanks to all of students who attended the ceremony and made an effort to carrying out environmental movement to establish Green Campus!

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