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Thursday February 6th, 2025


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[03] Inaugural Ceremony of KGCAUS [Korea Green Campus Association for University Students]

  • Location | Iwha Womens’ University
  • Date | 2012.06.27
  • View | 7039

This is behind-the-scenes story.
There were various events in the hallway of science center of Ewha Womens’ University.



These are panel exhibition on climate refugees in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is facing many disasters caused by climate change such as drought, floods, sea level rise.
As time goes by, climate refugees are suffering from catastrophe.
However, nobody knows if no one let us know this truth.
So, we are notifying the climate refugees by having panel exhibition.



In addition, participating clubs are also showing their panels. Their panel were made of used boxes.


They are looking at the panels on "Standby Power KOREA."

The standby power is like electrical vampires because it leaks electricity before we are aware of.



What we should do to decrease standby power is unplugging electronics not in use.



These are photos of each club. It’s "KUSEP."



They made their panels themselves and introduce their activities.



It”s Dongnam Health College environmental club.



They run the booth with panels made by themselves.



We can also find “Green snow” the environmental volunteers from Sookmyung Womens” University.



They are “G.A.Green” the environmental club of Yonsei University.



It's “New Rew” the environmental club of Eulji University.




This is the lego booth made by Yang Hee-jo, the president of Ecomalion.



Choi Yeong-eun and Kim So-jung, the members of Daejayon, are sharing “Energy-saving Stickers.”


This is delicious and fresh sandwiches for students.



It is scene of last-minute of the ceremony. Students are separating collection.
Surely, the inauguration ceremony is important but, your upcoming activities are more important.
We wish universities over the world to be Green Campus.

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Previous [Mongolia] Establishment of IGCAUS [In.. Ulaanbaata. . 2012.07.06
Present [03] Inaugural Ceremony of KGCAUS [Kor.. Iwha Women. . 2012.06.27
Next [02] Inaugural Ceremony of KGCAUS [Kor.. Reple 1 Iwha Women. . 2012.06.27
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