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Tuesday March 4th, 2025


Introduction Introduction About DAEJAYON Home

DAEJAYON is an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) composed of university students all over the world.

After taking the first step into social volunteer service activities in 2001, Daejayon was reborn as an environmental organization through the “Inauguration of Campus Environmental Custodians” held in June 2008, in order to carry out energetic and passionate activities throughout the world.
As of now, Daejayon has more than 2,100 members in 12 branches of the world and they are carrying out environmental activities as global citizens.
Our planet is in crisis due to unprecedented environmental destruction in history.
We believe that the young generation who will lead the future can take action against it.

Daejayon produces global environmental leaders of the future of our planet through the cross-border volunteer activities, and takes the lead in making 20,000 Green Campuses in the world to create the Green Earth through our programs, “Green School, Green Campus and Green World.”
In 2010, Daejayon was approved as IUCN member, and has been carried out sustainable activities throughout the world to conserve world environment.


  • - Daejayon supports the sustainable development of human society.
  • - Daejayon supports the restoration of nature and ecosystems.
  • - Daejayon supports a new social contract for harmonious coexistence of human society and nature.


  • Daejayon is committed to the harmonious coexistence of human society and nature. To achieve this, we make effort to restore damaged ecosystems due to global warming.
  • Daejayon is committed to making the social, domestic, and universal governance that young people can join actively for the conservation of nature.
  • Daejayon is committed to making a safe, predictable and eco-friendly human society with the help of all generations.


Daejayon was organized to seek how human beings live a harmonious life with nature as the world is faced with the environmental destruction and climate disasters due to human’s greed.

Daejayon will continue to move forward with the spirit of Agenda21 and the commitment of IUCN. Daejayon members take part in environmental movement actively so that they can solve the unprecedented environmental crisis and make international environmental agreements.

In addition, as a member of IUCN, Daejayon will make effort for conservation on biodiversity and environmentally friendly, sustainable and proper use of natural resources.
*IUCN(International Union for Conservation of Nature)
IUCN is the world’s largest environmental organization and has the status of a Permanent Observer to the United Nations General Assembly.
IUCN Members in Korea: Daejayon, Ministry of Environment, Cultural Heritage Administration, Korea Forest Service, Korea National Parks Authority, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Korea Wild Animal & Plant service, The Korean Association for Conservation of Nature, Korean Wetlands Society
Started as IUCN General Assembly in 1948, WCC is the most authoritative environmental conference which is held every four years.
There have been 22 times of General Assemblies to discuss environmental issues and it began to be called as World Conservation Congress in 1996 in Montreal.
For the first time in its history of 60 years, the 5thWCCwillbeheldinNortheastAsia,JejuofRepublicofKorea,in2012.