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Friday March 28th, 2025


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Third “Fine Dust Attack” for International Day of Clean Air for blue skies date. 2021.09.07 view. 2,244


How much fine dust did I breathe?

The WHO classified fine dust as a group 1 carcinogen!😷
Practice an eco-friendly lifesytle for clean air with no worries about fine dust!

The last “Fine Dust Attack” will be carried out on September 7,
at the World Clean Air Day
to raise awareness of fine dust and promote action for clean air !

Upload the attack photo and hashtag on your personal SNS and show your influence !

 On Thursday, September 7, 2021

at Instagram and Facebook

Upload the attack photo (below) on your personal SNS

by tagging daejayon in photo

with hastags #WhatYouBreatheTodayIsFineDust #DAEJAYON

#WorldCleanAirDay #airpollution #FineDustAttack 

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