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Wednesday October 23th, 2024

Introduction of Green Campus

Program Green Campus Home

1. Academy for Environmental Leaders

We provide "Academy for Environmental Leaders" for university students in the world and let them know the crisis of climate change. And even after completing the academy, they can join the environmental activity according to their major and talent so that they can make their dream of environmental leaders come true.

Daejayon's Activity

  • Green School
    Establishment of Green School, Teacher of Green School, Development of teaching materials
  • Green Campus
    Establishment of Green Campus, IGCAUS activity, Campus environmental club activity,
    Environmental seminar and campaign, Environmental reporters
  • Green World
    Environmental education and seminar, Environmental campaign, Media activity

2. World Campus Environment Day

As a member of IUCN, Daejayon carry out Green Campus activity throughout the world.
In 2009, gathering with a president of IUCN, representatives of the six continents and students from eighteen countries,
we designated the "World Campus Environment Day" on 13th August. Beginning with the day, more powerful Green Campus
activity has been carried out from six continents.
We hold the environmental event every year to commemorate the "World Campus Environment Day."

World Campus Environment Day

Declration Ceremony of World Campus Environment Day with the IUCN President

3. Environmental Seminar–Daejayon Report

Daejayon holds an environmental seminar “Daejayon Report”–an environmental presentation saying various kinds of
environmental problems and solutions made by Daejayon. Daejayon Report is favorably commented upon to lead
Green Campus movement and it is contributing to let university students and faculties regard the environment serious.

Environmental Seminar at Seoul National University

Environmental Seminar at
Seoul National University

Environmental Seminar at Yonsei University

Environmental Seminar at Yonsei University

Environmental seminar for teaching staffs of Anyang University

Environmental seminar for
teaching staffs of
Anyang University

Environmental Seminar at universidad de los olivos (Olivos University in Peru)

Environmental Seminar at
universidad de los olivos
(Olivos University in Peru)

4. Green Campus Forum

Daejayon has held fourteen Green Campus Forums in eight countries. We have made an effort to enforce capability of
university student environmental leaders by sharing excellent cases of Green Campus activities and giving a chance to discuss
with environmental specialists.

Republic of KOREA
- Gachon University
- Myongji University
- Dankoon university
- Asia Regional Conservation Forum
- IUCN World Conservation Congress Jeju 2012
The Gabonese Republic
- Omar Bongo University
The Republic of South Africa
- University of Cape Town
- Technology University
- Premier University
- Brac University
- Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
- Universidad de los olivos (Olivos University in Peru)
- University of the City of Manila

5. Daejayon IGCAUS –International Green Campus Association of University Students

Daejayon has established IGCAUS in order to take joint response to global warming.
Now, more than 1,500 university students of 64 university environmental clubs in 10 countries have joined.
IGCAUS will lead the sustainable future by global environmental movement.

Think within the Network and Act one’s Campus 네트워크로 함께 생각하고 자신의 캠퍼스에서 활동하자

Daejayon IGCAUS Program

Online community

전세계 환경동아리 온라인 커뮤니티 운영

Running online environmental
campus club

오프라인 커뮤니티 행사 개최

Holding offline events

Common objective

그린캠퍼스 구축

Establish Green Campus

환경난민의 난민지위 획득활동

Achieve refugee status of environmental refugees

Campus environmental clubs

신규 환경동아리 설립

Establish new environmental clubs

환경동아리 연간활동 프로그램개발 및 지원

Support the yearly program plan

환경동아리 환경교육지원

Give environmental education

그린캠퍼스 캠페인 연수교육

Give Green Campus training course

전 세계 환경동아리 에코리그

Hold Eco-league

환경문제 해결을 위한 공동활동

Carry out joint activity

More than 1,500 university students are joining IGCAUS from 64 campus environmental clubs of 10 countries.
In order to overcome global warming, we will carry out worldwide environmental movement and
lead the sustainable future.

World Campus environmental clubs Network

The Gabonese Republic Omar Bongo University
The Republic of South Africa University of Cape Town, University of the Western Cape
Mongolia National University of Mongolia
United States of America IGCAUS
Bangladesh Premier University, Chittagong State College
India Ramjas College, Kirorimal College
Indonesia Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), State University of Jakarta, Gunadarma University,University of Indonesia, Polteknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Jakarta, Jakarta Islamic State University
Philippines University of the Philippines
Peru UNI University, Universidad de los olivos (Olivos University in Peru)
Republic Seoul National University, Yonsei University, Ewha Womans University, Chungang University, Kangwon National University, Kyungnam University, kyung-in Women’s University, Kyung Hee University, Korea University, kongju National University, Kwangwoon University, kookmin University, kunsan National University, Dankook University, Daejin University, Dongnam Health College, Dongyang Mirae University, Sangmyung University, Sangji University, Seoul Women’s University, University of Suwon, Sookmyung Women’s University, Shingu College, Ajou University, Andong National University, Yong-in Songdam College, Eulji University, Inje University, Incheon National University, Inha University, Changwon University, Chungnam National University, The Catholic University of Korea, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Hanshin University, Hanyang University, Hanyang Women's University, Hongik University