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[01] Inaugural Ceremony of KGCAUS [Korea Green Campus Association for University Students] Reple 1

  • Location | Iwha Womens’ University
  • Date | 2012.06.27
  • View | 7274

University is the cradle of knowledge, where a lot of researches and scholarships are cultivated and developed.
It is true that the talented person leading in the future is trained from university.
However, you know what? University is emitting a huge amount of greenhouse gases by doing these researches and running university.
Among many organizations, one of the highest organizations emitting greenhouse gas is university.
Therefore those who cannot sit by and watch gathered together.



On June 27th, Inaugural Ceremony of KGCAUS [Korea Green Campus Association of University Students] was held at Ewha Womans’ University.



Before the 1st period of the ceremony, it began with greetings of Park Jung-ju, Yonsei University student and the president of KGCAUS.



Choi Jae-cheon, the chair-professor of Ewha Womans’ University, gave the opening address that he will devote to helping university students and following them.



And finally the 1st part of the ceremony started with MC Jeong Soo-jin, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies student.


The inauguration ceremony of university student environmental reporters was held. They will deliver Green Campus news.



And Ma Sang-hyun, the president of Nature+ environmental club of Shingu University, led the 2nd part of the ceremony.



Jeon Gyu-ri and Jang Ha-na presented “Daejayon Report.”
There is a legendary story that anyone who has seen “Daejayon Report” before cannot help but unplug his or her resting electronics in house.




Subsequently, Lee Ji-yeon, the assistant administrator of Daejayon, presented the works of environmental club students to establish Green Campus.



In the following, Kang Chan-su, the specialized environmental reporter of JoongAng Media let us know how to write environmental articles.





More story, to be continue...

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Previous [02] Inaugural Ceremony of KGCAUS [Kor.. Reple 1 Iwha Women. . 2012.06.27
Present [01] Inaugural Ceremony of KGCAUS [Kor.. Reple 1 Iwha Women. . 2012.06.27
Next “Let’s Make Green Note” Campaign by Ha.. Reple 1 Hanyang Un. . 2012.06.22
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