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Tuesday March 11th, 2025


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7th Seoul Green Campus University Student PR Ambassador team5, Greenpong "Standby Power Zero" Campaign Reple 1

  • Location | In front of Student Union Building, University of Seoul
  • Date | 2019.05.24
  • View | 3679




Last May 24th, Seoul Green Campus Ambassador team5 "Greenpong"

proceeded a campaign in front of the Student Union Building of University of Seoul.

Greenpong's campaign topic was "Standby Power Zero!"

On the appointment ceremony of Seoul Green Campus University Student PR Ambassador,

through the special lecture on Green Campus we studied about the seriousness of energy waste

on campus beacuse of operating energy 24 hours.

On the basis of the special lecture,

Greenpong has organized the campaign with various programs

to inform about wasted standby powers on campus

not only to students but also professors, university officials and citizens

so that they can participate in saving standby power together!

First we had promotion on "Zero Standby Power" and panel explanation.

Next, through a game named "Zero Standby Power Card Turning,"

we inform the importance of preventing the Earth's environment

and that we have to take action as soon as possible!

On the other part of the booth,

we prepared agreement signing corner to "Keep the Global temperature rises below 1.5℃"

to encourage the participation of the citizens.

Greenpong presented "greenpong" character stickers

and reusable paper clipboard to the winners of the card game

and reusable paper holders to people who participated of agreenment signing. :)

Even though it was a very hot day, it was a joyful campaign filled with laughter

thanks to students, professors, and citizens who participated passionately!

Especially, they could get various ideas for future activities

through the talking with students from various countries

like Russia, India, Argentina and Ghana.

Greenpong strengthened their resolution through the interest and passion of the citizens!

Look forward to Greenpong's future activities, too!

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