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Wednesday February 5th, 2025


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[Australia] Environmental Seminar at TAFE NSW Institutes of North Sydney Reple 2

  • Location | New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
  • Date | 2012.07.13
  • View | 6845


With a beautiful sunshine, here is Sydney, Australia.

In summer of 2012, Daejayon visited Sydney, again.

And Daejayon visited TAFE NSW institutes.



TAFE NSW is a public technical college, and it is one of the largest education and

training providers in Australia.


It has 10 institutes and a total of more than 140 campuses.
So, students can easily study everywhere in the NSW states.
All the programs of TAFE NSW are certified by government.


Daejayon visited North Sydney Institute among the 10 institutes.
Last year, Daejayon explained Daejayon itself, but this summer, explained about “IGCAUS.”


IGCAUS consists of not the older generation, but university students and share their opinions and carry out lots of activities.


So, many universities and colleges belong to TAFE NSW, so it showed many interests in activities that university students could act themselves.


Later, TAFE NSW asked us to visit again and explain about details of IGCAUS’s activities.



We also presented an eco-soap and air-fresher to them.



We took a picture together.

Please show a lot of interest in IGCAUS activities in Australia.

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Previous KGCAUS Academy for Campus Environmenta.. Reple 2 Dongnam He. . 2012.07.18
Present [Australia] Environmental Seminar at T.. Reple 2 New South . . 2012.07.13
Next [Gabon] Establishment of IGCAUS [Inter.. Reple 3 Libreville 2012.07.12
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