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Wednesday February 5th, 2025


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KGCAUS Academy for Campus Environmental Clubs Reple 2

  • Location | Dongnam Health College
  • Date | 2012.07.18
  • View | 7174


After the inauguration ceremony of KGCAUS (Korea Green Campus Association of University Students), the clubs of KGCAUS gathered together. It is because “KGCAUS academy for campus environmental clubs” was held in Dongnam Health College.

At the academy, Nature+ of Shingu College, Hannuri of Kyunghee University, Newryu of Eulji University, Natural environmental group of Dongnam Health College, Green Action of Suwon University, Green-I of Incheon University, G.A Green of Yonsei University, Greenday of Hanyang University got together.



For the academy, Kim Ok-Hyeon, a director of Daejayon, gave a lecture on our attitude toward environmental activity entitled “University student and green campus.”



And through the topic of the importance of biodiversity, the lecture was continued to know why we should protect and save endangered species.



And through the lecture about “Six degrees”, students learned that climate change would happen rapidly if we do not cope with climate change.



Next, students made their own eco-bag.



They are students from Hannuri of Kyunghee University.



Environmental group of Dongnam Health College.



Let’s carry not a paper bag or a plastic bag but an eco-bag.



Ma Sang-Hyeon, the president of Nature+ of Shingu College, bought a shirt and made an

eco-shirt himself.






Unlike usual university students who try only to build up their career in busy schedule, the students of KGCAUS are interested in environment.

Thank you for getting together to make green campus and green earth despite of their busy schedule.





Let’s be together with KGCAUS (Korea green campus association of university students) always.

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Previous [Philippines] Establishment of IGCAUS .. Quezon Cit. . 2012.07.18
Present KGCAUS Academy for Campus Environmenta.. Reple 2 Dongnam He. . 2012.07.18
Next [Australia] Environmental Seminar at T.. Reple 2 New South . . 2012.07.13
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