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[Green Campus Green Energy Campaign] with Environmental Club Kyung-in-teo of Kyung-in Women's University

  • Location | Kyung-in Women's University
  • Date | 2013.08.01
  • View | 5888

Daejayon and Kyung-in-teo of Kyung-in Women's University conducted campaign together!

It is Green Campus Green Energy Campaign!

It is the campaign to draw university students' interest to green energy and their creative ideas about it.

Besides, it also aims to encourage the students to buy products made of clean energy from nature or ones with high energy-efficient.

We carried out a survey about green energy awareness.

Then we offered a chance to make sun-light products for respondents;

a mini green house with the light in living room and a ceiling fan moved by sun-light,

and a solar-energy mini car.

It was truly crowded with many people :)

This game is 'Green Earth Puzzle.'

A team who finished the puzzle fast won the prize.

It is for conveying a message, 'let's make a fast effort to make the green Earth!' :D

We also offered a chance to cook with sun-light and taste the sun-light food.

The food was really eco-friendly, and tasted better! :)

It was so hot that popcorn popped a lot!

We handed out a global warming flag, a leaflet with energy conserving ideas, and some gift.

The next step was our practice to save energy!!
In order to fulfill the mission of Daejayon,

the students went around 50 classrooms and turned off the lights of empty classrooms!!

The energy was being wasted :(

Turning off and turing off again!!

We felt like that we lowered the global temperature!!

Please cheer our activities now and forever!

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Previous KGCAUS Ran Environmental Booth on “Ene.. Reple 1 Seoul City. . 2013.08.22
Present [Green Campus Green Energy Campaign] w.. Kyung-in W. . 2013.08.01
Next 3 Days 3 Actions & Green Campus Green .. Kyunghee U. . 2013.08.01
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