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3 Days 3 Actions & Green Campus Green Energy Campaign by Environmental Club ENVIS of Kyunghee University

  • Location | Kyunghee University
  • Date | 2013.08.01
  • View | 5793

3 Days 3 Actions & Green Campus Green Energy Campaign

by Daejayon and ENVIS of Kyunghee University

Which university has the most environmental clubs?

It is Kyunghee University(Suwon Campus).

There are Hannuri, GP and ENVIS!

Daejayon and ENVIS held Green Campus Green Energy Campaign for green campus,

and had conducted energy saving activity for 3 days.

Firstly, we did 'turning off the lights of lecture room' activity.

Although it is the easiest and the most basic way, it is not practiced yet :(

As expected, there were many lights turned on at empty classrooms.


in order to notify importance of energy saving and to draw interest to green energy,

we conducted a campaign. 

We gave a gift to those who proposed sparkling idea of 'energy' 3-line poem or about how to utilize new renewable energy.

Dong-eun Kim won the first prize and received a tumbler.

(To save energy is a short cut for being happy)

There was also 'human-power bike' teaching us that 'I' can be energy.

Riding a bike generates energy and the energy makes slushy juice.

Through this activity, we can realize that there are many things we can do without using electricity in our daily life.

The way to make green campus!

Each of us should become human energy! :)

There were various activities.

- Green Earth puzzle

- Making a green energy house

- Making a solar-power robot

Also, we boiled quail eggs with solar power.

They might taste better than ones boiled by a gas range :)

It was truly HOT!!

Also we exhibited panels about climate change, university and energy problem.

Those themes seem familiar, but actually there's little opportunity to learn about them.

We introduced some examples of green campus and green job!

Learning with passion!!

Thanks for your effort,

ENVIS of Kyunghee University~!

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Previous [Green Campus Green Energy Campaign] w.. Kyung-in W. . 2013.08.01
Present 3 Days 3 Actions & Green Campus Green .. Kyunghee U. . 2013.08.01
Next Green Energy Green Campus Campaign wit.. Dankook Un. . 2013.08.01
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