- Shingu College Opened Green Shop
- Shingu College opened Green Shop to help climate refugees with profits earned by selling the donated unused products.
- 2013.03.22 | Internet | campus week
- The Market of University Students Who Think of the Environme..
- On March 20, Green Shop was opened at Shingu College. Green Shop is a flea market where they sell donated unused products and donate its profit for climate refu..
- 2013.03.21 | Internet | OhmyNews
- TBS Broadcasting Booth: Meeting for Activitists to Reduce Nu..
- 2013.03.21 | TV | TBS
- Recycle! Reuse! Green Shop!
- In order to help the climate refugees in Bangladesh, environmental club students of Shingu College opened Green Shop. They not only sell donated produ..
- 2013.03.20 | TV | ABN
- DAEJAYON and Daewang Middle School Signed Green School Agree..
- DAEJAYON and Daewang Middle School signed the Green School Agreement on March 8.
- 2013.03.11 | Internet | NEWSis