- Today is 'Earth Day,' Let's Reduce Fine Dust
- The event to feel the importance of water while delivering water bottles to African families (in pictures), that lack water, has broadened empathy for environme..
- 2018.04.22 | TV | YTN
- DAEJAYON Appointed as Green World Ambassador
- DAEJAYON is appointed as the Green World Ambassador on June 9 at the Houses of Parliament.
- 2017.06.22 | Internet | Environment Daily News
- DAEJAYON, Environmental Organization for University Students..
- DAEJAYON is appointed as the Green World Ambassador 2017 and won a trophy.
- 2017.06.14 | Internet | Eco Media
- DAEJAYON, Environmental Organization for University Students..
- DAEJAYON is appointed as the Green World Ambassador 2017. Their activities will be included to THE GREEN BOOK which will be distributed to several governments, ..
- 2017.06.14 | Internet | News Town
- DAEJAYON Appointed as Green World Ambassador, the World Focu..
- DAEJAYON is appointed as the Green World Ambassador by the Green Organization at the Houses of Parliament.
- 2017.06.13 | Internet | Ecomedia