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Tuesday March 4th, 2025


History About DAEJAYON Home


Visit to the wetland with DMZ supporters and foreign students in honor of World Wetland Day (Supported by : Gyeonggi Tour Organization)
Inaugural meeting of Gveonggi Province Green Campus Council
Flag performance of Gveonggi Province Green Campus Council
Environmental custodian for campus in Gveonggi-do, announce 10 principle practical activity
(Minister of Ministry of environment, Gyeonggi governor, chairman of Korea Energy Management Corporation 41presidentsandvicepresidentsofuniversities)
- Hosted by : Gyeonggi-do, Ministry of environment, Green Gyeonggi 21, Korea Energy Management Corporation
- Supported by : Daejayon, Green Korea United, Hanshin University Regional Development CenterAnsan Environmental Technology Development Center, Gyeonggi Regional Environmental Technology Development Center
Inauguration ceremony of Daejayon environmental reporters (two reporters in each 16 cities)
Commemorative event for Earth Day and Eco-Mom
Panel exhibition on Climate change during the Climate change week in Suwon station
Inauguration ceremony of Save Energy Save Earth
Support to the World Green Promo-delegation Contest
Additional event at the 12thNewlifeFamilyWalkathon,
Booth on We Love Water, human power experience, climate change and water, importance of energy saving. (220 citizens join)
Distinguished Teacher of Youth Award from Seoul City
Workshop of Daejayon environmental reporters
Environmental theme program for producing global environmental leaders (one night two days) 80 University students join, supported by : Korea Sports Promotion Foundation
Daejayon eco-school environmental seminar aiming at 76 university students
Daejayon overseas environmental delegation visit Korea
Inauguration ceremony of Green School of Guryong Middle School
Signing and hanging , environmental lecture, environmental festival
Inauguration ceremony of Green Energy Family in Korea Energy Management Corporation
Daejayon-JINAIR 'Be the Green' campaign
Clean-up campaign after the world cup game in front of the Seoul City Hall 200 Daejayon members join
Excellence Prize in Environmental Conservation at the 2010 Seoul City Environmental Award
Inauguration ceremony of Daemyeong Middle School
Signing and hanging , environmental lecture, environmental festival
Inauguration ceremony of Daecheong Middle School
Signing and hanging , environmental lecture, environmental festival
Little Daejayon camp to produce global environmental leaders
90 students from schools in Gangnam-gu join Little Daejayon
Begin Little Daejayon and environmental class in Jangseung Middle School
The 1stmaking green world 12weeks project with foreign students
Environmental education, experience and trip for 15 foreign students from 5 countries
Begin Little Daejayon and environmental class in Miyang High School
Workshop “climate change and ecosystem-wetland” for Greenism in AIESEC
The first Save Energy Save Earth Camp for 150 Little Daejayon
The second Save Energy Save Earth Camp for 150 Little Daejayon
Ecology exploration in Nakdonggang(River) for 1night 2 days
Energy and climate change workshop for university students in Gyronggi-do
- Hosted by : Gyronggi-do  - Conducted by : Geyonggi Green Start, Green Gyeonggi 21
- Supported by : Daejayon, Green Korea United
2010 Gyeonggi Green Campus International Forum
- Hosted by : Ministry of environment, Gyronggi-do  - Conducted by : Gyeonggi-do Association for Green Campus Initiative, Myeongji University, British Council
- Supported by : Daejayon, Korea Energy Management Corporation, Green Start, Gyeonggi Green Start, Green Gyeonggi 21, Gyeonggi Research Institute, Gyeonggi Regional Environmental Technology Development Center, Ansan Environmental Technology Development Center, Green Korea United
Begin Little Daejayon and environmental class in Daecheong Middle School
The 1st Daejayon eco-tour DMZ(university students in Seoul)
The 2nd Daejayon eco-tour DMZ(university students in Seoul)
The 3rd Daejayon eco-tour DMZ(Jangseung Middle School)
The 2nd making green world project with foreign students(35students in German school)
Start an environmental class course of Little Daejayon in Daemyeong Middle School
Start an environmental class course of Little Daejayon in Guryong Middle School
The 4th Daejayon eco-tour DMZ(Jangseung Middle School)
Little Daejayon Green School Contest in Guryong, Daemyeong, Daecheong Middle School
Registered as a member of IUCN(International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources)
Join the WCC and acquire the and for IUCN Korean committee executive
Begin Little Daejayon and environmental class in Soongeui Women’s High School (101 students join)
Face painting, panel exhibition on climate change, making buttons (Seoul land in Gwacheon)
Sign a joint declaration on “Car Free Day” and climate change promo booth
Daejayon environmental camp for producing global environmental leaders (Seoul Olympic Parktel, 150 university students join)
Discussion and panel exhibition on Green Campus and low carbon Green Practice (Pyeongtaek University)
Citation from Korea Energy Management Corporation
6th environmental theme program for producing global environmental leaders(1night 2days, 30university students join)
- Location : Seoul Olympic Parktel  - Supported by : Korea Sports Promotion Foundation
2010 Green Campus Environmental Forum for producing global environmental leaders
- Hosted by : Daejayon, British Council, Gyeonggi Regional Environmental Technology Development Center
- Conducted by : Ministry of Environment, GyeongGi-Do, Korea National Assembly Environment Forum, IUCN korea Committee, Korea Water Resources Corporation, Korea Energy Management Corporation, Gyeonggi Tour Organization, Korea Forest Research Institute, Gyeonggi-do Association for Green Campus Initiative, AIESEC, ABN
- Location : Gacheon Convention Center, Vision Tower, Kyungwon University


Environmental seminar on campus
Environmental forum on campus
Case presentation at the C40 General Assembly in honor of C40 D-31
Inauguration of Sports from Korea Energy Management Corporation GEF(Green Energy Family)
Additional event at the New life Family Walkathon, Boothonsavingwaterandenergy 254 participants join
Namsan walkathon in TBS special broadcast in honor of C40
Join C40 Large Cities Climate Summit
City tour with C40 Bangladesh delegation
161st putting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people
162nd putting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people
Environmental seminar with an environmental club “Watch” in Sookmyung University
Environmental seminar with an environmental club “GP, Envis, Hannuri” in Kyunghee University
Environmental seminar at SungNamDong Middle School (for all the students)
Environmental seminar at Bundang Information Industry High School (for all the students)
Guest lecture by Kim Sung-il, the director of IUCN at Seoul National University
Daejayon overseas environmental delegation
Lima, Peru
Environmental seminar with professor of law at San Marco University
Environmental seminar with IBA [International Bar Association]
Meeting with Peruvian Culture Public Ambassador in Argentina
Environmental seminar with the Minister of Ministry of Environment
Environmental seminar with the Minister of Ministry of Environment and foreign students
Meeting with San Borja, the city mayor and president of Inca University at Peruvian Culture Public Ambassadorin Argentina
Visit to the eco-friendly water park at San Borja
Environmental Seminar with the president of Inca University
Jakarta, Indonesia
Environmental seminar at University of Indonesia
Tokyo, Japan
Environmental seminar with official sat the provincial government of Tokyo Visit to the eco-friendly building
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Environmental seminar with city officials at Amsterdam city hall
Rome, Italy
Environmental seminar at Bioparco Zoo
Environmental seminar at La Sapienza University
Manchester, United Kingdom
Environmental seminar at Manchester University
Auckland, NewZealand
Environmental seminar at Auckland University
Environmental seminar at University of Canterbury, Christchurch
Cape Town, Republic of South Africa
Environmental seminar at University of Cape Town
Berlin, Germany
Environmental seminar at Humboldt University
Southwestern, United States of America
Environmental seminar at Southwestern University
Grand Prize at the 16th National Volunteer Service Grand Festival
Declaration Ceremony for World Campus Environment Day with IUCN President at Seoul National University
150 Korean university students and 86 foreign students gather together to proclaim the environmental movement
The 2ndInternational seminar at Yonsei Universtiy 40 Korean university students and 86 foreign students join
Environmental seminar at Seongnam-si Offce of Education
Energy-, Love+ Korea Report Event by Energy Management Corporation GEF(Green Energy Family)
163rdputting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people
Meeting with the city mayor of Chittagong, Bangladesh
164th putting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people
165th putting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people
Expert forum on establishing resource circulated Waste Management
Lecture and discussion on resource circulated Green Campus
Additional event at 2009 Green Partnership International Forum
Environmental seminar with an environmental club “GP” in Kyunghee University
Environmental seminar with the president of Anyang University and faculty
Appointment of director and advisory by Gveonggi Province Green Campus Council


Volunteer work of saving Taean
Performance of Korean traditional culture at Amsta rehabilitation facility in Netherland
Volunteer work of interpretation, guide and transportation at the President's inauguration 180 members join
151st putting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people
Volunteer work of interpretation at the Independence Hall in honor of 3.1 Independence Movement Day
Daejayon environmental forum
152-154th putting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people
Clean-up campaign at the east stream in Daegu
Inauguration ceremony of Daejayon environmentalists on campus at Yonsei University
CO2 5% Down Campaign, the Green Film Festival in Gwacheon
LOVE CIRCLE Performance
Daejayon international environmental seminar with foreign students from eight countries at City Hall of Seoul
155-156th putting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people
157th putting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people
Lecture at the 1st social education in forest at Seoul National University
The 2nd social education in forest at Seoul National University
The 3rd Inauguration ceremony of delegation for C40 Large Cities Climate Summit
Promotion of the 3rdC40 Large Cities Climate Summit on Seoul Energy Day
Campaign of hanging Korean flag in honor of the 60th anniversary
Send the Daejayon overseas environmental delegation for C40 Large Cities Climate Summit
New York, United States of America
Meeting at New York City Hall
Visit to the UN
Meeting at the Philadelphia City Hall
Environmental seminar at Harvard University
Berlin, Germany
Environmental seminar at Berlin City Hall
Environmental seminar at Humboldt University
Paris, France
Environmental seminar at Pavillon, the department of environment in Paris City Hall
Mumbai, India
Environmental seminar at Mumbai City Hall and join the Independence Day Event
Melbourne, Australia
Environmental seminar at Melbourne City Hall
Manila, Philippine
Meeting at Manila City Hall
Booth on climate change
Promote C40 on “Car Free Day”
158thputting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people
Volunteer work of interpretation at the 10th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Wetlands
STOP CO2 campaign at Gag festival in Sungnam
Seminar at Sunyoudo Park
Promote C40 at Youth Environmental Project
Volunteer work of interpretation at the C40 Youth Model Summit
169thputting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people
Volunteer work of sharing Kimchi with neighbor
Clean-up campaign at Tancheon (stream) in Sungnam
Clean-up campaign at Haeundae (beach in Busan)
Volunteer work of sharing with neighbor
Clean-up campaign in neighbor


Volunteer work of sharing with neighbor in Incheon
Volunteer work of guide on 3.1 Independence Movement Day
Campaign of hanging Korean flag in Busan
148th putting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people
Volunteer work of guide on Democratic Struggle Day in June
Volunteer work of guide on National Liberation Day
Campaign of hanging Korean flag in Seoul
Campaign of smile Korea at the 13th Anseong World Soft Tennis Championships
Campaign of sharing filial duty in Seoul and Gyeonggi province
Volunteer work of sharing in Daegu
150th putting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people


141st putting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people
142nd putting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people
143rd putting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people
144th putting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people
Campaign of hanging Korean flag in Seoul
Campaign of hanging Korean flag in Incheon
Campaign of hanging Korean flag in Daejeon
Campaign of hanging Korean flag in Daegu
Campaign of hanging Korean flag in Gwangju
Campaign of hanging Korean flag in Busan
Volunteer work of interpretation on the National foundation Day of Korea
Volunteer work of interpretation on Hangul(Korean letter) Proclamation Day
145th putting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people
146th putting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people
147th putting up wallpaper for a neglected class of people