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Wednesday April 17th, 2024

Standby Power ZERO KOREA

Standby Power ZERO KOREA Green World Home

Education on Energy Saving Action Plan

  • Location | Daejayon Headquarter
  • Date | 2013.06.16
  • View | 2154


Here, today, Daejayon Headquarter, we have wonderful welcoming guests.
Who are the 20 boys and girls who visit Daejayon on this sunny Sunday? 



They are the students of schools in Seoul.
They have come to Daejayon to have the education program on energy saving action plan.



Have you heard about the campaign ‘Standby Power ZERO KOREA’?
‘Standby Power ZERO KOREA’ is ongoing campaign of Daejayon for energy saving.
And this year, Daejayon loves to share more special energy saving methods with you.



One of the special methods is ‘Timer Socket.’
With this smart device, you can set the time and day you want, and it automatically turns off so it saves the unnecessary electricity and the energy and also electricity charges.

It is ‘Timer Socket’ who calls out these students to this Daejayon classroom.

They are now learning where to put this device in their schools.
And they are really concentrating on the program to learn exactly why they should have ‘Timer Socket’, where they can put it and how they can manage it.







Nobody pushes them to save the energy!
But they are pushing themselves to do it for our planet!

They are all from different schools and grades, but they have same green hearts.

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Previous Envergy Value Sharing Product Delivery.. Donggwangw. . 2022.09.27
Present Education on Energy Saving Action Plan Daejayon H. . 2013.06.16
Next 'Standby Power ZERO CAMPUS Campaign’ w.. Dongyang M. . 2013.06.01
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