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ICLEI supporters team 4_Green INFRASTRUCTURE_1st,2nd Campaign

  • Location | Kyung Hee University
  • Date | 2015.03.22
  • View | 2680

ICLEI Supporters team 4 Cities with Green INFRASTRUCTURE 1st, 2nd Campaign

8th Agenda : Cities with Green INFRASTRUCTURE
Main Topic of The Campaign : Current Status & Future Direction of Green INFRASTRUCTURE

Hello everyone!!

We are ICLEI Supporters Team 'G.ty(Green City)' in Kyung Hee University!

We proceeded 1st Campaign at City Hall on 2015.03.22 

and 2nd Campaign in front of Euljiro on 2015.04.14.

The 1st Campaign

G.ty(Green City) visited the city hall for the promotion of ICLEI Supporters activity!!

'Hope-Sharing Tree Event' was being held at city hall~

G.ty proceeded the campaign next to the 'Hope-Sharing Tree Event' booth!!

The topic of the campaign is "LOW CARBON CITIES".

The activity we have prepared is 'Use Eco-friendly Product!!'.

G.ty planned the campaign to investigate how often citizens use the eco-friendly products 

like eco-bags or the tumblers!

And to suggest them to use the eco-friendly products!!

First, we explained what ICLEI is and the concept of 

LOW CARBON CITIES to the citizens.

And then, we investigated whether they use the eco-friendly products 

in daily life or not!!!

We planned the drawing activity that people can draw the painting freely 

on the white eco-bag with the acrylic dyes.

We were worried a bit because it was so windy outside.

But lots of people showed great interest 

and participated in the activity.

Ta da!~ what a masterpiece!!!

Especially, kids loved it!!

(Kids drawing out their imagination♥ So lovely♥)

A lot of citizens made lovely eco-bags and listened to our explanation 


Thanks to the enthusiastic participation of citizens, 

the 1st Campaign of G.ty was completed in success.

People were using eco-friendly products in thier daily life 

more than we thought.

So proud! :-)

The 2nd Campaign

The 2nd Campaign too, G.ty proceeded the supporters activity 

in the topic of LOW CARBON CITIES.

Like 1st Campaign, a lot of people participated in the 2nd Campaign.

활동을 하면서

During the activity, we could see quite a lot of people 

with coffee tumblerseco-bags with beautiful designs.

In the result of the survey conducted during 1st Campaign, 

lots of people used tumblers and eco-bags.

But not the handkerchief.

G.ty reflected the result of this investigation.

So, we emphasized to use the handkerchief in 2nd Campaign.

We hope that our Campaign may urge people 

on the interest of the eco products!!

These are The ICLEI Supporters Activitys of G.ty!

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Previous ICLEI Supporters Team 1 Ginny_SUSTAINA.. Kyungin Wo. . 2015.03.27
Present ICLEI supporters team 4_Green INFRASTR.. Kyung Hee . . 2015.03.22
Next ICLEI Supporters Team 6_Eco City_ICLEI.. Hongik Uni. . 2015.03.15
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