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Monday February 24th, 2025

Introduction of Green World

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Green Plan It Energy Day Reple 2

  • Location | Seoul City Hall Square
  • Date | 2018.08.22
  • View | 2759

DAEJAYON, the day of energy, conducted a Water Footprint experience booth

at the Seoul City Hall Square.
Even though it was hot weather, many citizens visited it.

A water footprint is a water footprint that refers to the total weight

of water used to produce, distribute, use and dispose of the product.

In addition to the water we use in our daily life,

it is a concept that includes water used for everyday things and food.

Just as a small drop of water collects in large quantities,

saving one person is a great power in saving the whole water!

Why do not we join forces together from today?

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Previous 2018 World Leaders Conservation Forum .. Jeju Inter. . 2018.10.03
Present Green Plan It Energy Day Reple 2 Seoul City. . 2018.08.22
Next Earth Day, Water Footprint Experience .. Reple 4 Seoul City. . 2018.04.22
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