An environmental class program with Daejayon and Songpa-gu Volunteer Center!
The second time was with high school friends!
As high school friends, we did a bit more difficult acitivity than the first one!
So, let's look at the second time together.
Like the first time first, we had time to introduce Daejayon to new friends.
As high school student friends were close to be able to act as university student environmental activists, they were great interested in Daejayon :)
The first order was the Daejayon Report.
Climate change is not just a matter of weather,
but drought, heavy rains and floods, food shortages.
It was a class with a message that it would bring disaster such as war and extinction.
Later on, there was the up-cycling class making milky pouch.
It is up-cycling to recycle the milk pack which discards Milky pouch.
Milky pouches made of the leftover pack of milk are used as card pockets, coin purses, etc.
It can be used for various purposes.
Milky pouch is pretty and environmentally friendly thing!
So we made it with our students :)
Students are working hard to cut the milk pack to size!
Previous | Boin High School Little Daejayon Envir.. 1 | Boin High . . | 2018.07.27 |
Present | V school Litter Daejayon Environmental.. 1 | volunteer . . | 2018.07.24 |
Next | V school Litter Daejayon Environmental.. 1 | volunteer . . | 2018.07.23 |