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Monday February 3rd, 2025


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[02] Campus Environmental Club KGCAUS Young Leader Community Reple 2

  • Location | Korea National Park Eco-Learning Institute
  • Date | 2012.11.11
  • View | 7043

After enjoying an environmental recreation, we had break time.
And we played an environmental treasure-hunt game during break time.



It has been rainy until noon, but when we played the hunt game, rain has stopped.
This institute is in front of Bukhan Mt. so the autumn color is really beautiful.





If environmental sentence is written in the paper, it’s treasure.
For example, the paper written like this “I take the airplane to go to the market” never can be treasure.
Everyone try to find treasure.





We gave an eco-air refresher to whom find treasure as gift.



After the treasure-hunt game, the young leader community conference was held as a highlight of today’s program. This program is conducted by Park Jung-ju, the KGKAUS president.



During this time, we shared each other about environmental activities that their own clubs have carried out so far.



At first, we are a little bit awkward, but we became more and more friendly, talking about Green Campus earnestly.




Also, during the conference, we had time to talk our thought in the subject of “how to establish Green Campus through development of environmental clubs.”



It was not just saying our thought but combining and organizing team member’s thoughts and presenting to other teams.





What methods for developing environmental clubs are needed?

We discussed it based on the feeling that we had during an environmental activity.






From team 1 to team 5, all of us finished the presentations.
Most of us felt difficulty in the support.
And we already know that there are many environmental contests.
Therefore, KGCAUS promise to always listen to university environmentalists’ voice and support their activity.

Finally this young leader conference is closed.

And team 4, EADLE won the prize for the conference.



And last, we awarded the environmental clubs who have worked hard most since the inauguration ceremony.



It’s University of Suwon’s Green Action. They carried out “Let’s Make Green Campus” campaign, supported by Gyeonggi-do Association for Green Campus Initiative and KGCAUS.



And it’s Shingu College’s Nature+. They run the Green Shop in their club room every Friday, and run a open market in Yatap station, Moran station and Shingu college’s festival.


And it’s Dongnam Health College. They carried out “Water’s Friends” campaign in Yongin Namgok elementary school and “Let’s Make Green Campus” with University of Suwon’s Green Action.



And, it’s University of Incheon’s Green-I. They carried out “Green Dong-Incheon Metro Campaign” in hot summer for a month, making many citizens have consciousness on environment.



And, it’s Inha University’s Green Promise. They notified the importance of saving standby power and carried out signature-seeking campaign for saving energy in Inha University’s dormitory.



It’s Yonsei University’s G.A.Green. They carried out “Removing Report’s Cover” campaign, taking signature from professors and university students. They informed the necessity of removing report cover to not only KGCAUS students but also many university students who are near from Sinchon.



It’s Hanyang University’s Greenday. They carried out “Let’s Make Green Note” campaign in Hanyang University, Dankook University, Wangsimni Station, giving Green Note that they made themselves to not only university students but also many citizens.


We awarded many university environmentalists who have made an effort for a year.
Thank you so much every KGCAUS students.


Also we took a polaroid picture with team members.
When are we become so friendly to each other? Thank you KGCAUS Young Leader Community.







And thank you also KGCAUS executive teams for trying to prepare this program.



Especially, thank you our loving DAEJAYON members who worked as staffs and guides.



It’s really end of KGCAUS Young Leader Community. We hope our Green Campus network and the KGCAUS homepage( to more active through this community.

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Present [02] Campus Environmental Club KGCAUS .. Reple 2 Korea Nati. . 2012.11.11
Next [01] Campus Environmental Club KGCAUS .. Reple 3 Korea Nati. . 2012.11.11
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