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Friday April 19th, 2024


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Daejayon's Environmental Seminar with Environmental Clubs GP, Envis, Hannuri of Kyunghee University

  • Location | Kyunghee University
  • Date | 2009.04.01
  • View | 4667

An environmental seminar was held with environmental clubs of Kyunghee University,

GP, Envis and Hannuri.

Meeting of university students who think of the environment!

3 environmental clubs of Kyunghee University and Daejayon had prepared a seminar while staying up all night,

and presented it.

Outside, there was panel exhibition explaining sinking Kiribati and comparing universities which emit CO2.

After the presentation of Daejayon and the 3 clubs,

the presidents of the clubs and a member of Daejayon discussed together.

A professor of environment department also attended to the seminar,

and said that he was so move by it.

We look forward to our future!

Cheer up, all the university student environmentalists!

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