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KGCAUS Young Leaders’ Community ‘2013 Share Your Green Vision!’

  • Location | Taepyeong Hall, Seoul Citizens Hall
  • Date | 2013.09.29
  • View | 7816

This place is called Taepyeong Hall located at the Seoul Citizens Hall!
Today at this place, a special ceremony, called KGCAUS (Korea Green Campus Association of University Students) Young Leaders’ Community ‘2013 Share your green vision!’ will be progressed.
Shall we enter the site?

Today’s community was held with a purpose to help the students who has been working online only. A special time of introducing newly made KGCAUS clubs and organizing the joint projects progressed previously in KGCAUS, and another special time of making new KGCAUS programs to put into action near future were held. Especially, we could share some valuable opinions of students who has been actively working, through a program called ‘Things we want from KGCAUS!’. Let’s have a look at some of the groups here.

The first group was made up of Hannuri from Kyung Hee University, Ecomalion from Hanshin University, AIESEC from Ewha Woman’s University and Seoul National University.

Even though there are no pictures of them…
The second group was made up of Natural Environment Research Group from Dongnam Health College, Green Hands from Sangji University, and Youth Green from Hanyang Women’s University.

The third group was made up of Young Nature in Hongik from Hongik University, Green Campus from Sangmyung University, Lively Chatter from Ewha Woman’s University, Urgan Egoist from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, and Nature+ from Shingu University.

The fourth group with exceptionally high proportion of females was composed of Green Action from Suwon University, Eco Lim from Seoul National University, The Green from Kookmin University, Natural Environment Research Group from Dongnam Health College, UFFANS (University Forum of Foreign Affairs and National Security)—a joint club from University of Seoul, KwangWoon University and Korea University, and Green Mate from KwangWoon University.

In addition,
Group-five was composed of Natural Environment Research Group from Dongnam Health College along with a joint club from Dongduk University and Sejong University, and Clean-Ajou-Project from Ajou University.

Green Leader,
Moreover, group-six was composed of Natural Environment Research Group from Dongnam Health College, Green Leader from Dongyang Mirae University, G.A.Green from Yonsei University, and Green Square from Chungang University.

First, a presentation time from each group was progressed after they made their own slogans.

There were many creative ideas that were presented.

Group-five displayed a wonderful collaboration.

We could feel the power from the female students from group-four who were all very active.

Above is group-three who were calm and graceful on the other hand.

Another group—group-two—cried out for green toes.

Group-six left a very powerful impression.

Followed by the presentations, an interim report session was held by the students who were in charge of related businesses in Seoul. In addition, AIESEC from Ewha Womans University continued on with their presentation. AIESEC had helped Daejayon with many cooperative activities.

More specifically, they had hosted ‘2013 International Biodiversity Students Conference—BIODIVERSITY EXPO’ together with Daejayon last July. It was a precious time of encouraging young students’ activities, which was given by university students.

Next presentation was organized by the UFFANS (University Forum of Foreign Affairs and National Security)—a joint club from University of Seoul, KwangWoon University and Korea University.

They explained in detail about Earth Hour and the activities they had progressed together.

The last presentation was organized by Young Nature in Hongik from Hongik University.

They explained well about the importance of saving energy through variety of activities, such as turning off monitors that are not in use, installing timer socket (an electromechanical system for controlling a sequence of events automatically), and various campaigns.

After the presentations were all given, a special lecture on environment was presented by the Secretary-General of Daejayon.


The topic was about “The role of KGCAUS to build Green Campus”.

What should we do to make Green Campus? What kind of activities?

This is a very important issue that needs to be cleared off for us to set up our goals and the direction of activity.

Also it would be an important index that will allow us to check on the activities that we can actually implement.


Through the network of Green Campus which Daejayon has, the Secretary-General has promised that he will actively encourage the university students’ activities.
Great expectations are anticipated on the continuous and dynamic activities progressing all throughout the world, not on the activities that are short and discontinuous progressed in Korea only.

By just looking at the examples of well-known Green Campus abroad, the university students’ strength is very significant. This is because the main agents of universities are us, the university students.
Therefore all the activities that you are doing right now are in fact valuable assets for the Earth in future.

During the lunch time, additional events were held.

Various events, from Standby Power Card Flipping Game to Making Standby Power ZERO CAMPUS campaign were held.

Moreover, Electricity Thief in our House game and Catching Standby Power Game were held.

In addition, this clubs showed eco-bag made of used banner.

After lunch, a time for introducing KGCAUS’s previous activities was held.

An assistant administrator of Daejayon, presented generally about the current state of joined clubs in KGCAUS and the activities that were held previously.

Now, let’s have a look at the newly joined clubs in KGCAUS.
First, is Clean-Ajou-Project from Ajou University.

Various activities were already being built and progressed within the school.

Next is Lively Chatter from Ewha Womans University. It’s a club that is progressing environmental activities related to ‘water’.

Next, Green Hands from Sangji University.

Last, Urgan Egoist from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.

Urgan Egoist has been organizing the installation of water saving stickers.

It is a campaign of sticking stickers that says, ‘Water becomes war’, on the sinks. When water fills up in the sinks, the letter ‘t’ and ‘e’ on the sticker disappears, which leaves the word ‘war’ on the sticker alone. Through this, people’s attention to save water could increase.

Finally, it’s time to introduce the full-scale networks of activities, followed by introduction to new clubs in KGCAUS.

To begin, a time of sharing the limits of environmental clubs’ activities was held. It is obvious that university students’ environmental activities have many limitations and restrictions. For that reason, a time to find methods to overcome this situation and listening to the students’ opinions was necessary.

With the groups’ variety of distinct characteristics, many limitations and its solutions were brought up together.

Holding academic activities, campaigns, running Green Shop, researching the current state of energy wasted, and other activities progressed previously by each university clubs were introduced first, then all the hardships including financial problems, physical problems, and problems related to programs that occurred during the progression of activities were brought for solutions.

Next, a discussion about “How to increase level of activity in my club through KGCAUS network” was progressed.

What do you think is the biggest difference between the university clubs that belong to KGCAUS and the clubs that are not?

It is the SYNERGY, the NETWORK.
KGCAUS attempts to provide a NETWORK and to create a huge SYNERGY effect to the students about the environmental activities, with its alliance to fifty different environmental clubs’ networks.

Then what kind of activities would there be to make a more vivid clubs by using KGCAUS’s network?
The presidents from each clubs presented about how they will use KGCAUS’s network through a panel discussion.
For example there is a club that takes part in opening environmental photo exhibitions,
And another club that takes charge of academic environmental activities
Where each of them will be able to provide advices and programs to each other when necessary
This is the biggest advantage of KGCAUS.

Creating the SYNERGY effect to the environmental activities between students
In other words, not by narrow and unchanging environmental activities, but by using the network of other environmental university clubs,
We can advance and display successful environmental activities.

See you again in the next community.
Daejayon and KGCAUS are always with you.

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Previous KGCAUS Community "Share Your Gree.. Seoul Citi. . 2013.09.29
Present KGCAUS Young Leaders’ Community ‘2013 .. Taepyeong . . 2013.09.29
Next KGCAUS Ran Environmental Booth on “Ene.. Reple 1 Seoul City. . 2013.08.22
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