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Supporting the 4th Gyeonggi Green Campus International Forum & Festival

  • Location | Shinheung College
  • Date | 2013.05.23
  • View | 7434

The 4th Gyeonggi Green Campus International Forum & Festival was held in Shinheung College.
Daejayon was asked to participate as a supporters’ organization.
The opening address was carried out by Yu Byung-jin, President of Gyeonggi Green Campus Initiative.



President. Yu appreciated many organizations and partners for their cooperation of this year’s forum.



And the welcoming address of Kim Byung-ok, President of Shinheung College was followed.
Shinheung College is well-known for its effort toward Green Campus by constructing energy saving building, and Shinheung College was selected for Geothermal Heat Part among New Renewable Energy Sector from General Supply Business of Korea Energy Management Corporation.



The word of encouragement of Choi Seung-dae, Vice Governor of 2nd Administration was followed, instead of Kim Mun-soo, the Governor of Geonggi Province.



And congratulatory address of Ahn Byeong-yong, Governor of Uijeongbu-si was followed.



A great number of students joined.
Daejayon was very delighted by hearing students’ footsteps one by one gathering for Green Campus.


The plenary and keynote lecture was focused on the case studies of Australia on the role of higher education, and it carried out by Leanne Denby, President of ACTS [Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability]
After 1st Session of opening address and plenary and keynote lecture, the 2nd Session of Talk4CAMPUS, key groups’ propositions, was proceeded.


The theme of 2nd Session was “Talk for Korean Green Campus’ Tomorrow”
And each key group’s representatives presented their propositions for Korean Green Campus.
In the university sector, Professor Joo Si-hoo, Chairman of Steering Committee of Geounggi Green Campus Initiative presented. And in the corporate sector, Kim Mun-sung, Representative of Building Control Operation Division of Honeywell, Korea gave a proposition.


Then, who was the representative of university students? And that is ………….!
Park Jung-ju, President of KGCAUS [Korea Green Campus Association of University Student], he presented a proposition as a representative of university students.



President. Park stressed out the university students’ willingness for Green Campus Movement to face and deal with the global warming, and he also said the university students should make “ALL KINDS OF EFFORTS”, “WHATEVER” and “WHENEVER” for our future.
And also he suggested previous Environmental Effects Evaluation should be added the evaluation sector of university students’ activities for speeding up the Green Campus Movement.
Very impressive, well-represented students!

Let us check the outdoor activities.

Green Festival is at the peak of activities.
Let us check out every booth one by one.



The first one is ‘Standby Power ZERO KOREA’.

Through panel exhibition, the real condition of standby power was introduced, and it also gave people the chance to think about how we can save the standby power.



On the ‘Standby Power ZERO CAMPUS’ booth, students can have the opportunity to learn about standby power and saving practices more easily through various fun activities like Speed Game and 3D Earth Puzzle Game.



The second booth was ‘Human Power, You Are the Energy’.
In this corner, people can make yummy fruit sherbet by working pedals of self-generation electricity bicycle.
We can see the bright smiles on the faces of students. Its popularity was beyond the imagination.



Strawberry sherbet is coming~ looks so yummy!
One and only sherbet that I made by my own energy, working pedals.



So-called ‘Human Power, You Are the Energy’.
Definitely the greatest energy source is we, human, it’s our body power.



The third booth is ‘Story of Global Warming’.
Through the photo exhibition, this corner acknowledged us the seriousness of global warming.



Telling what will be caused by the global warming during next 100 years makes students shocked and felt that global warming is not a joke.
So before it’s too late, we must act!
The fourth booth was ‘Together Let Us Make Our Earth Good’.
And this booth, we can make eco-friendly handkerchief.



It’s sooooooooooooo cute!
No more paper cup! WE WANT MUG!
Yes, definitely! There are so many things we can practice in our real lives.
Let us all use mugs, NEVER use paper cups!



Everyone, have you noticed how much we can save the resources and energy just by using the handkerchief?



Let us save the earth as we use these pretty eco-handkerchiefs we made by our own today.



And in this corner, we can also make eco-friendly T-shirts.

Eco-T-shirts are made of natural paint.



And this natural paint is made from spinach. Its green color naturally comes from spinach.
Harmless to human body, and also good at color formation.
And above all it is good for the nature! It’s truly nature itself.
Nature always gives us all the good things.



Not only Eco-T-shirts, but also Eco-bags, so much fun indeed!


And also eco-friendly air freshener! Wow! So many students line up!
Everyone is definitely enjoying!



I can smell fresh lemon~



Then, what’s in the next booth?

In the fifth booth, Green Energy Experience, you can have quizzes, and also you can cook with solar power cooker.



By using solar power, natural energy, we can cook!
Fortunately, May 23rd was full of sunshine!
I can see they are boiling with the help of sun~



Yummy quail eggs cooked by sun~
Do you want some?



It’s hot, hot, hot. Be careful! 

The first day of forum was rounded off, and the second day began.
The second day of forum, which is May 24th, consisted with Talk4NETWORK Session and Closing Ceremony.



Talk4NETWORK Session is literally for talking about the ‘Network’ which is very essential for all.
In this session, Secretary General of Daejayon, and Jung Su-jin, Vice-president of KGCAUS, were invited to share their opinions with other panels.


The most impressive word of Jung Su-jin, Vice-president of KGCAUS was
"Think within the Network and Act on one’s Campus"
Literally means ‘think together within the network, but act on one’s campus first’.
This phrase emphasizes the importance of online network considering various circumstances of university students, and also stresses the practical activities on the campus each student is belonging to.
Huge role of strong online network of KGCAUS gives this opinion the reason and the ground.
Around 50 clubs from universities inside of Korea have joined KGCAUS, and in this forum, KGCAUS members also participated.
Good job on your presentation!


Green Campus Movement should be led by university students in their own universities.
Plus! with whom?
It’s definitely with Daejayon!
Here, Daejayon is reporting in the site where we can hear the voices of university students.
Let us all together~ DAEJAYON~ GOGOGO!!

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Previous Campus Lights Off Campaign of G.A.Gree.. Universiti. . 2013.06.01
Present Supporting the 4th Gyeonggi Green Camp.. Shinheung . . 2013.05.23
Next 2013 Daejayon Training Education for G.. Reple 1 Seoul Foun. . 2013.05.05
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