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[Ban Ki-moon Foundation & DAEJAYON] Closing Ceremony of the 2nd Climate Environmental Leader Training Course

  • Location | Peace Museum of the 8th UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
  • Date | 2023.01.18
  • View | 539



The closing ceremony of the 2nd climate environmental leader training course was held
after the three month challenges of the leaders, that started from the opening ceremony.

100 university students and distinguished guests
including Ban Ki-moon, 8th UN Secretary General,
Kim Sook, 23rd Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to the UN in New York,
and Cho Byeong-ok, Governor of Eumseong-gun, participated at the event.

First, we opened the closing ceremony
with the opening address of Ban Ki-moon, 8th UN Secretary General,
and Lee Hye-gyong, President of DAEJAYON,
and congratulatory message of Cho Byeong-ok, Governor of Eumseong-gun.

Ban Ki-moon, 8th UN Secretary General, highlighted
the importance of the role of a global leader, not a leader in one's own country,
referring to Brazil President Lula who declared zero deforestation in the Amazon at COP27.
Likewise, we, also, should raise our voices to the government to act globally
so that national leaders can decide what is right.

Lee Hye-gyong, President of DAEJAYON, explained about
the paralysis of the national policy and the dangerousness of no countermeasures. 
She said that climate change will not stop, but it doesn't mean that we should stop, too.
And emphasied that climate environmental leaders should boldly make change
so that South Korea can become a country that has achieved carbon neutrality.

The Governor of Eumseong-gun said that he will work with the future generations
to respond to climate change and participate in the efforts to prevent climate change.
He also said that he will make more efforts to achieve carbon neutrality in the Eumseoung.

Next, the students made presentations
on what kind of activities they carried out through the training course.

Everyone, do you remember the opening ceremony?
On 19 September, 2022,
We started on a journey of the 2nd Climate Environmental Leader Training Course.

At the 2nd Climate Environmental Leader Training Course,
100 university students from 56 universities participated.

Tipping Point!

This word makes us think of the word Climate Tipping Point,
which is a critical threshold that, when crossed,
leads to large and often irreversible changes in the climate system.
So, the word always gave a negative impression.
However, the activities of the 2nd climate environmental leaders
completely gave a change in mind.

How does it sound to you when we change the word Climate Tipping Point
to Climate Environmental Leaders' Tipping Point?
It sounds completely different.
Tipping Point means the point at which a series of small changes or incidents
becomes significant enough to cause a larger, more important change.
So, to the participants of the climate environmental leader training course is a tipping point.
About 40 percent of the participants said that
they started new things in the environment through the training course.

The tipping point of the 2nd climate environmental leaders is making a wave of change.

“I couldn't do this because I'm extreme introvert . . ."

Those who had difficulty in using their own personal containers in cafes and restaurants
said they were encouraged by the Net Zero bingo.

 Breaking News!

"Climate environmental leader shows his bareface for the first time in the world."

For the Net Zero bingo, one student made a hairband with air-cap
and walked up 17 stairs without taking the elevator.

The third headline is "wastes thrown away evoked public indignation."

Many people said they were surprised by so much waste while plogging.
Because before they went plogging, the streets looked very clean and no waste were seen.

A complaint was received to the  Drum for the people (e-People).

Seeing sigarette butts and waste thrown in the non-smoking area,
a participant submited a complaint to the e-People.

Another breaking news.

"All the club members gathered by the president's call."
Tea Tree, an environmental club in Kookmin University, conducted plogging all together.

This is the third breakig news.
"Found artifacts from generation X while plogging"

Min-ju filled three bags with waste.
And she also picked up unseen artifacts from generation X.

The forth breaking news is that an unidentified person slogged his way alone,
plogging for 23 days during the Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival (Oct. 9 to 31).
We asked around about this person with the look and dressing provided,
and he was Won Ji-seop.

The forth headline is "We might be close . . . Never seen eachother but feels so close."

It is a hopeful news that through the non-face-to-face discussions that was held three times,
the team members' sense of closeness increased.
It is a relief that today's closing ceremony could be held face-to-face.

The distinguished guests also rejoiced and encouraged
the students' active activities and challenges.

Next, we had the "Proposal Presentation for South Korea's Net Zero."

All the students made the proposal presentations.
There were many specific ways to realize carbon neutrality
such as technology, culture, platforms, green campus, economies, and ESG.

All the suggestions were something that we had to think together and improve for the future!

Among them, seven students who received the most favorable response and high scores
made an offline presentation at the closing ceremony.

Circular Economy Community and Rediscovery of the Role of Zero Waste Shop
by Kwon Yong-uk
Zero Campus++ by Kim Min-cheol
Proposal on NET ZERO achievement of K-POP by Shin Yoon-ju
Loophole in Carbon Neutral, Environmental Crime by Youn Sung-won
Korean Green New Deal by Lee Min-ju
Financial Technology in Environmental Investment: Environment Lottery by Im So-yeon
Environmental Data Platform based on Doughnut Economics by Lim Soon-woo

The experts and participants evaluated the presentations.

While the presentation was going on, the judges and the students evaluated it.
And the students participated in Quiz Talk, an online survey and quiz,
while waiting for the results of the evalutaion.

After, the completion ceremony and awards cermony was held.
All the student who participated in the closing ceremony
recieved the Certificate of Completion.

Ban Ki-moon, 8th UN Secretary-General, shook hans with everyone
and took a photo holding the certificate together.

The award ceremony followed right after!
Who gived the grand prize? 😮

■ Climate Environmental Leader Special Prize
   Online Quiz : Jeon Young-eun, Lee Chan-hee, Lee Ye-rin
Communication : Kim Geun-han Im So-yeon Kwon Yong-uk
NET ZERO Action : Go Su-min Lee So-hee Jeong Woo-jin

■ Climate Environmental Leader Award Winner
Grand Prize : Shin Yoon-ju
Frist Prize: Kim Min-cheol
Second Prize : Kwon Yong-uk, Im So-yeon
Third Prize : Lee Min-ju, Youn Sung-won, Lim Soon-woo

Everyone who participated in the climate environmental leader training course,
thank you for your hard work.

8th UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon gave a general review after the awards ceremony.
He gave unstinting encouragement to students
who completed the climate environment leader training course,
mentioned the Millennials and Generation Z (Gen MZ),
and redefined Gen MZ as an abbreviation for "Motivated and Zealous Generation,"
and expressed hope that the Gen MZ will be a really motivated and passionate generation.

On the way home, we handed out a vegan lunch box made of corn starch,
and Better Meat (vegan spam) and vegan sandwich sponsored by Shinsegae Food
introduced by Julian Quintart, who attended the opening ceremony.

Looking forward to the world the climate environmental leaders,
who grew up for the last three months, will walk through,
encourage them and participate in the environmental conservation actions!

Click for news reports!

List Back
Previous General Meeting and Academic Forum of .. Gyeonggido. . 2023.03.28
Present [Ban Ki-moon Foundation & DAEJAYON] Cl.. Peace Muse. . 2023.01.18
Next Action for Net Zero in the Second Half.. South Kore. . 2022.12.31
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